Terms and Conditions of Sale
Product prices and shipments
Product prices are inclusive of VAT, these should be added the shipping costs that vary depending on the weight of the individual item and by country-destination country of the goods. There will be an additional charge of € 7 for payment with cash, this service is only active for the Italian territory and must be requested at the time you place your order.
Payments can be made:
-Upon delivery of the goods on delivery and additional cost of 7 euro, only in Italian territory and for amounts not exceeding 1000 euro.
-Online using the circuit Paypall Credit card, debit and Postepay.
-By Bank Transfer (beneficiary: Alfio Paparo
Iban: IT75X0200883890000300403340 Swift: UNCRITMM
In random you will note the date and order number)
Orders will usually despatched:
-Two days later after completion of payment, if made with paypall;
-At the accreditation on our account, for payments by bank.
Buying through the use of the Credit Card involves the insertion of data in a map context with debit authorization at the time of the order, the information you inmessi will be managed and protected by Paypall.
Children under 18 years are not permitted unless under the supervision of an adult family member, to transmit orders via the online form aromasicilia.
Progress of the order
Aromasicilia makes available to registered customers on the Internet an online tool for viewing the current status of orders sent.
Non-acceptance of the order
Aromasicilia reserves the possibility to reject orders that they can hide behind online fraud or misconduct.
Receipt or invoice
At the time you place your order is mandatory to indicate their VAT number if you wish to receive an invoice.
Aromasicilia delivery usually in 2-3 working days after the order, the whole Italian territory, excluding circumstances. For shipments to Europe the day of delivery varies from 5-7 business days, excluding circumstances.
The delivery of goods will be made to the address specified by the customer when ordering, specify that the delivery is on the ground floor.
The ordered goods traveling therefore completely at risk of Aromasicilia but we point out that in receiving the package, we must accept the shipment as "subject to control" and to note any tampering or damage to the goods and then inform us in good time, at info @ aromasicilia . com or call us at +39 3803224663 Aromasicilia because it can open a repayment clause with the carrier for replacement of the goods. If the goods will be accepted without reservation control there will be no way to proceed against the carrier and we can then return the damaged goods.
Areas of Delivery
Aromasicilia make deliveries throughout the national territory using an array of proven efficiency SDA, at the request it is possible to use a forwarder Vs. Aromasicilia delivery also throughout Europe with UPS.
Unavailability of products
If the products ordered be temporarily unavailable, we will promptly inform the customer agreeing on the terms of delivery of what is available.
Cancellation of orders
Aromasicilia makes available to registered customers on the Internet an online tool for the cancellation of orders sent.
The customer is not registered may cancel by calling the phone number: 0039 3803224663 or by sending an email message to the address info@aromasicilia.com
The Customer, pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 06/09/05 N ° 206, is entitled to withdraw from the contract and proceed to return the goods within 10 days of receipt, by giving notice to Aromasicilia Via Garibaldi, 48 - 95034 Bronte, or writing to info@aromasicilia.com
Aromasicilia will be responsible for reimbursing the amount paid within 10 days of return of the products.
For any report, complaint or inquiry, please contact directly the URL: info@aromasicilia.com (quoting the order number assigned to the end of the order and listed in the order confirmation sent by E Mail.
The personal information requested under the order are collected and processed in order to meet the expressed requirements of the customer and will not under any circumstances or for any reason be passed to third parties. Our company guarantees its customers the respect of rules on the processing of personal data covered by the Privacy Code under LD 196del30.06.03. These data is our company's
Applicable Law
The contract of sale between the customer and our company is concluded in and regulated by the Law na. For the solution of civil and criminal litigation arising from the contract of sale conclusionedelpresente a distance, if the customer is a consumer, the territorial competence is quelladelforo of riferimentodelsuo place of residence;